Madison Hose responds to house fire in North Madison
By Member Chris Marinaro
September 23, 2023
At 2:29 on Wednesday afternoon, Madison Hose Company # 1 was dispatched with North Madison for a possible structure fire on Winding Road. The initial dispatch reported multiple calls to 911 reporting heavy smoke from the roof of the house and the front door. North Madison Engine 10-57 was first due and confirmed a working fire, bringing additional resources to the scene include Guilford Fire Department for RIT, Killingworth and North Branford. Madison Hose units responded to the scene and were put to work, assisting with ventilation operations on the roof, water supply and interior attack. Strong work by the units on scene made a quick knock down of the fire. With Incident Command reporting that the main body of fire had been knocked down, scene was placed under control at 2:58pm.
Photos by Robert Gerard, CT. Fire Photographers Assn.